Nicolas Salliou joined PLUS
Supporting the Mountain Paths project “MntPaths”, Nicolas Salliou joined PLUS as a Postdoc Researcher

Nicolas Salliou comes from France and obtained his PhD on Agrosystems, Ecosystems and Environment from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse in 2017. His main interests include innovation, transitions and social change analyses, as well as strategies design towards more ecological and ethical agriculture and food systems.
Nicolas has relevant experience working with participatory modelling approaches using agent-based modelling, Bayesian networks and mental models to companion social learning and co-construct solutions with stakeholders. As an engineer specialized in agro-economics, Nicolas has worked with Fairtrade NGOs in different countries and developed innovative participatory food distribution schemes. He started his post-doc in April 2018, joining the MtnPaths project in which he will develop agent-based models on adaptation pathways to climate change in the French and Swiss Alps."