raum+ completed the survey of the settlement area reserves in the canton of Valais.

Between 2019 and 2021, raum+, on behalf of the canton and in collaboration with all the communes, has conducted the survey of the settlement area reserves in Valais.

The results serve the canton as a basis for the management of working zones as well as the agglomeration prog rams of the third generation (implementation) and the fourth generation (survey). The project was completed at the beginning of December 2021 with the publication of the final report on the settlement area reserves in the work zones.

The raum+ method is based on a cooperative and dialogue-oriented approach. The reserves in the settlement area are recorded uniformly over the entire extent of the canton by experts in collaboration with authority representatives. In addition to information on size and location of the reserves, qualitative characteristics such as the building status, the status of development, development difficulties or the time availability of the reserves are determined. Based on this, a more insightful assessment of the situation can be made.

The raum+ data serves the canton, the regions as well as the communities of Valais as a basis for their planning and, in particular, for the working zone management required by the federal government. The data provides information on where potentials are located in the building zones, how they are currently used, what measures may still have to be taken for constructability and whether there are further difficulties for the mobilization of the areas. For each potential, an estimate for the earliest time of availability is also provided.

Through inter-communal and supra-regional coordination, the reserves in the working zones can be utilized to a higher degree and coordinated with each other. The now available uniform overview of the reserves and their qualities forms the basis for the economical use of the working zone.

Link to homepage: www.raumplus.ethz.ch

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