incolab: Spin-off of the group PLUS
incolab brings innovations in technology and process design from the Landscape and Urban Systems Planning (PLUS) group into practice.

PLUS employees Enrico Celio and Sven-Erik Rabe founded the not-for-profit organisation incolab in 2018. Since 2019 it has been an ETH spin-off. external page incolab thinks ahead in integrated landscape development and thus brings about a sustainable change in the way we deal with the landscape. To this end, incolab combines, for example, the assessment of ecosystem services, visualisation techniques and participatory processes.
incolab designs adaptable processes in which the various interests are actively involved. The aim is to develop jointly supported, holistic solutions with implementable measures.
A strength of incolab is the combination of processes and technical tools. Processes are developed and moderated together with the landscape actors and are subject to monitoring and evaluation.
incolab uses the latest technical developments from the PLUS group. Thus, mapping of ecosystem services, models for land use decisions or visualisations are used to design integrated landscape development.