Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey contributed to the recently published report "Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz"
PLUS members @ 3rd Global Land Programme Open Science Meeting in Beijing
Victoria Junquera, Jonas Schwaab, and Enrico Celio contributed with four presentations, one poster and a session to the GLP-OSM
ETH Zukunftsblog Contribution "Improving resilience through diverse land stewards"
Biodiversity has been shown to increase the resilience of ecosystems to global change. But what fosters the resilience of socio-ecological systems? We have shown that in order to build and maintain resilient mountain landscapes, we need not only a diversity of species, but a diversity of land stewards.
Thomas M. Klein successfully finished his Ph.D. dissertation on “Visual Communication of Ecosystem Services”
In his Ph.D. project Thomas M. Klein investigated user demands and technical requirements for web-based spatial decision support systems (DSS) and geographic information systems (GIS)
Introducing Oppla: a global platform for nature-based solutions aiming to revolutionise environmental knowledge
Oppla, a new open platform for nature-based solutions, launches on Tuesday 20th September as part of the Ecosystem Services Conference taking place in Antwerp, Belgium.
PLUS at GEOSummit & GEOSchool Day 2016 in Berne
From 7. - 9. June 2016 the PLUS gave a live demo of the visual-acoustic simulation of wind turbines (VisAsim) at the GEOSummit 2016 in Berne. A special event was the GEOSchoolDay, where pupils could explore the wind park landscape with the Virtual Reality headset Oculus Rift.
ECOPOTENTIAL is a large European-funded H2020 project that aims to blend Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling to assess current and future ecosystem conditions and services.
First journal publications of 2016
Four journal items about ecosystem services related to rivers, ecosystem services in the Swiss Alps and an indicator framework for assessing ecosystem services in EU-countries.
A new MAES report about forest ecosystem services
A new report by the MAES-initiative has been published: Mapping and assessment of forest ecosystem services – Applications and guidance for decision making in the framework of MAES
New employees at PLUS
The PLUS-research group welcomes six new employees from six different countries
Culmann-Fonds award 2016 for Master's thesis of Sander Kool
The Master's thesis of Sander Kool has been awarded by the Culmann-Fonds. The title of the thesis is "Small Urban Open Spaces - a contribution to the provision of open spaces in the city of Zurich".