Final report of the NRP 65-Project "SUPat – Sustainable Urban Patterns" online
The steering committee of the Swiss National Research Programme 65 “New Urban Quality” has released the final reports of the five projects in the scope of the program for publication.
Project HydroServ finalised
The NRP61 project HydroServ has been finalised in a closing event in Schüpfheim, Entlebuch, on 11th November 2014.
PLUS participates in Research for Development (r4d) – project
The research project „Managing telecoupled landscapes for the sustainable provision of ecosystem services and poverty alleviation” tries to understand global and local drivers of landscape change to support cultural landscapes and their inhabitants.
Dissertation Enrico Celio
Enrico Celio successfully finished his PhD dissertation on „Participatory land-use decision modeling with Bayesian networks“.
Mountain Research Initiative
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey New Member of the Steering Committee
Dissertation Jürg Altwegg
Jürg Altwegg successfully finished his PhD dissertation on "Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für eine nachhaltige Bauzonenausweisung".