Immersive serious games modify public participation in urban planning
Our research explored the impact of immersive serious games on public participation in urban planning. Through a case study, we compared discussions during an analog board game to those during an immersive 3D computer game. Results showed that immersive visualizations sparked discussions on aesthetics and emotions, while diversifying argumentation patterns.

Our study was conducted in Hochdorf, a Swiss suburban community undergoing urban transformation. We compared discussions during an analog board game and an immersive 3D computer game. The immersive nature of the serious game engaged participants on a deeper level, sparking discussions about aesthetics, emotions, and multiple perspectives. These findings highlight the potential of immersive serious games to enhance public engagement and shape sustainable urban change.
The full paper is published open access in the journal of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems: Schalbetter, L., Salliou, N., Sonderegger, R., Grêt-Regamey, A.. From board games to immersive urban imaginaries: Visualization fidelity's impact on stimulating discussions on urban transformation, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 104, 2023, 102003, ISSN 0198-9715, external page