Culmann-Price for MSc Thesis Jens Fischer and Manuel Fernandez
Two Master's theses at PLUS won the Culmann-Prize: Congratulations to Jens Fischer and Manuel Fernandez for their outstanding work!
13. conference in land management focusing on structural development in rural areas
The 13th conference in land management will take place November 12th at ETH Zurich.
Interdisciplinary project work in Singapore
During their third semester of the MSc study spatial development and infrastructure systems our students have to work on an interdisciplinary planning project. Organization as well as the project area change from year to year under contribution of six different chairs.
Resilience in socio-ecological systems: Publication and virtual coffee session online
A recent publication investigates the resilience in complex social-ecological systems in an alpine mountain region in the Canton of Valais, Switzerland.
New lecture in participatory modelling starting this fall semester
The lecture "Participatory modelling in integrated landscape development" accompanies students into a participatory modelling process analysing the future of urban agriculture in partnership with the city of Zürich.