Lidija Mirella Kettmeir

Lidija Mirella Kettmeir

Lidija Mirella Kettmeir

Staff of Professorship for Landscape and Environmental Planning

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Raum- u. Landschaftsentw.

HIL H 27.3

Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Lidija Kettmeir is a strategic urban planning consultant, currently serving as Program Co-Lead for the ETH RAUM platform and the MAS/CAS in Spatial Development at ETH Zurich, where she contributes to shaping interdisciplinary education and fostering collaborative approaches in spatial planning. Her expertise lies in facilitating complex spatial strategies, policy consulting, enhancing urban and regional development processes, and designing future-oriented planning frameworks.

Additional information

- 2018 MPhil Planning, Growth & Regeneration - University of Cambridge
- 2017 MSc Urban Studies - UCL, London
- 2015 BA Politcal Science - University of Zurich

- 2025 Program Co-Lead of ETH RAUM
- 2022 Program Coordinator ETH RAUM, MAS in Spatial Planning
- 2023 Senior Consultant (Management Consulting), Fourth Street London
- 20122 Senior Consultant (Development Advisory), WSP London


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