
New article in Ecological Indicators - Cartography of the interplay between Nature’s contributions to people and biodiversity in Switzerland

Shifting Paradigm: Incorporating Landscape Preferences and Ecosystem Services into Siting Scenarios for Renewable Energies

Award of the title of “Professor of Practice”

Mapping open spaces in Swiss mountain regions through consensus-building and machine learning

New publication in the Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning

Playing games to unlock urban neighbourhood transformations?

In Memory of Willy A. Schmid

New PhD student in the EU-project MOSAIC

A new perspective paper in Landscape and Urban Planning

Archetypes of social-ecological-technological systems for managing ecological infrastructure

How previous experiences shape actors’ current perspectives in integrated natural resource management

"We must have the courage to question our own values"

Engaging with places to counteract urban homogeneity

In the LVML diving virtually into the Gotthard massif, playing a Serious Game

Validating Farmland Biodiversity Life Cycle Assessment at the Landscape Scale

Aligning social networks and co-designed visions can foster systemic innovation in the Alps. A new paper from the PLUS MountainPathways project just got published in the journal Regional Environmental Change (REC).

How might different futures of human-nature relations unfold in Switzerland?

Place-making: people, procedures, places for urban transformations under increasing homogenisation of neighbourhoods and alienation of people

PLUS writing week in Austria

Immersive serious games modify public participation in urban planning

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